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home + publishing + webdesign + advertising online + stock photos + dtp + references+ contact


Events - the best way to advertise

People ask me, what is the best way to advertise online, and I tell them: offline.

"You don´t understand us", they tell me: "we meant to do something in the internet." And I answer: "Well, do something in real life. THEN talk about it online."

All of us live offline. Loving and eating are activities that occupy our minds to a very great extent, so we talk ABOUT it online. A love story that takes place only online would, by most, considered weaker than the actual meeting of two real people in real love - in real life.

So: customer relations are all about sympathy. Your customers should know that you are real. Then they can relate to you; and this they will do online.

Create an event, any event. Maxiplication will gladly consult you and use many years of experience in organizing - and doing PR for - events. Parties, Rallies, Poetry Slams, Conventions - they all follow the same rules. They are being photographed, filmed, talked about; facebook sites are being created; youtube videos are being uploaded.

Nothing any firm can do is comparable to this generic brand of user-generated buzz. And nothing will look more "real" or more "credible" to the search engines.

If you add a cautiously run online campaign during the event and in the wake of it, you will surpass any competitor in a very short frame of time.

For references, see "Südseecrossing" or "gegenwARTen" - and check how they are indexed by the search engine. Further references will be sent on demand. Maxiplication will not tell you, but show you what are the best ways to advertise online.



Poetry Slam Championship South West
Ravensburg / Weingarten 2013

maXiplication is managing the entire PR for the show 2013 as well as the advertising online.

15th anniversary

web service + stock photo agency + SEO + ORM



Vermehrfachung Home

Naturwerbung Herrliches Ravensburg Computerwehr

Naturwerbung: advertise ecological projects online

Ravensburg: royalty-free stock photos

home + contact + legal + weblinks + domains

charity projects + philosophy + photography

(c) 2013 maxiplication internet agency